Girl hugging a grey persian cat

Tips for Choosing a Cat that Will Thrive in Your Family Environment

Purrfect Pals: Find Your Ideal Feline Companion from Our Top 10 Cat Breeds for Family Living!

Cats have long been known as independent animals, not always interested in cuddling and playing with their owners. However, some feline breeds are known for their affectionate and playful personalities, making them perfect for families with children. If you are considering adding a furry member to your family, here are ten cat breeds that are great for kids and families.


For a good reason, siamese cats are one of the most popular cat breeds. These elegant and intelligent cats are known for their outgoing personalities and love for their owners. Siamese cats are social animals that thrive on interaction, making them perfect for families with children. They are talkative and love communicating with their owners through meows and chirps.

Devon Rex

The Devon Rex is an active and playful breed known for its high energy levels and affectionate personality. They love to play with toys and are highly intelligent, making them train quickly. They are great with children and enjoy spending time with their families. Devon Rex cats are highly social and love to be around people. They are known for their ability to bond closely with their owners and often follow them around the house. They are also very vocal and will meow and purr to get your attention.


The Ragdoll is a cat breed known for its docile and affectionate nature. These cats are incredibly gentle and love to be around people, making them perfect for families with children. Ragdolls are also very social and love to play, making them great companions for kids.

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are one of the most popular cat breeds in the world, known for their large size and gentle temperament. These cats are known to be friendly and pleasant and often form strong bonds with their human families. Maine Coons are also known for being good with children, and they are often referred to as "gentle giants."

Maine Coons are known for their long, fluffy coats, which require regular grooming to keep them looking their best. They are also very active cats and enjoy playing, so providing them with plenty of toys and playtime is essential to keep them entertained.

American Shorthair

The American Shorthair is a medium to large-sized cat breed known for its friendly and outgoing personality. These cats are great with children and make excellent family pets. They are also known for being easy to care for, as they require minimal grooming and are generally healthy cats.

American Shorthairs are adaptable and perform well in various living situations, including apartments and houses. They are also very independent and can entertain themselves for hours with toys and other objects around the house.


The Burmese is a cat breed known for its playful and affectionate personality. These cats love to play and interact with their owners, making them perfect for families with children. Burmese cats are also brilliant and love to learn new tricks and games, making them great companions for kids.


The Persian is a famous cat breed known for its long, luxurious coat and affectionate personality. These cats are often described as "lap cats" because they love to snuggle up with their owners. They are also known for being gentle and calm, which makes them great with children.

Persians require regular grooming to keep their coats in good condition, and they can be prone to health issues such as breathing problems and eye infections. However, with proper care, they can live long and healthy lives.


The Sphynx is a unique breed of cat known for its hairless body and affectionate personality. These cats love to be around people and are very social, making them perfect for families with children. Sphynx cats are also brilliant and love to learn new tricks and games, making them great companions for kids.

Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold is a unique cat breed known for its distinctive folded ears. These cats are often described as sweet and affectionate and make excellent family pets. They are known for being great with children and are very social cats that love attention.

Scottish Folds have a plush, dense coat that requires regular grooming to keep it looking its best. They are also brilliant cats and enjoy playing games and solving puzzles. The Scottish Fold is excellent for families looking for a friendly and unique cat breed.


The Bengal is a cat breed known for its playful and energetic personality. These cats love to play and interact with their owners, making them perfect for families with children. Bengals are also very intelligent and love to learn new tricks and games, making them great companions for kids.

In conclusion, these are just a few cat breeds that can make great pets for families with children. When choosing a cat breed, it's essential to consider your family's lifestyle, living situation, and preferences. With proper care and attention, any cat breed can bring joy and companionship to your family for many years.

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Tags: Cat Life
A pair of ginger cats laying down together

The Benefits of Adopting Two Cats Instead of One

Why Are Two Cats Better Than One?

Adopting two cats is better than one, because they're more fun, are a built-in playmate, and provide twice the love. For a good reason, cats are among the most popular pets worldwide. They are adorable and playful and make great companions. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of adopting two cats instead of one and why it is an excellent option for you and your furry friends.


Companionship is one of the most significant benefits of adopting two cats instead of one. Cats are social animals; they need interaction and playtime with other cats to be happy and healthy. A companion cat can give your cat the playtime and socialization they need, even when you're not home.

Fewer Behavior Problems

Cats can get bored quickly, and when they do, they can develop behavior problems like excessive meowing, scratching, and even aggression. Adopting two cats can help prevent these behavior problems by providing your cats with a playmate and reducing their boredom.

Health Benefits

Adopting two cats can also provide health benefits for your furry friends. Studies have shown that cats who live with other cats have lower stress levels and are less likely to develop health problems like obesity and diabetes.

Saving Lives

When you adopt two cats instead of one, you're not only providing a loving home for your furry friends, but you're also saving lives. Shelters and rescues are often overwhelmed with cats, and adopting two cats instead of one helps to reduce the number of cats in these facilities.

Reduced Separation Anxiety

Cats can develop separation anxiety when they're left alone for long periods. Adopting two cats can help reduce separation anxiety by providing your cats with a companion when you're away from home.

More Entertaining

Having two cats can be more entertaining for you as well. Watching your cats play and interact with each other can be a source of endless entertainment.

Cost Savings

Adopting two cats can also save you money in the long run. While there will be some additional costs associated with adopting a second cat, caring for two cats is often not twice the cost of caring for one. You'll save money on litter, food, and toys by purchasing them in larger quantities.


Adopting two cats instead of one can benefit you and your furry friends. An excellent option for many pet owners, from companionship and reduced behavior problems to health benefits and cost savings. If you're considering adopting a cat, consider adopting two instead of one and give your furry friends the best life possible.

Tags: Cat Life
Turn Your Cat into a Work of Art

Turn Your Cat into a Work of Art

How Can You Transform Your Cat into a Work of Art?

Transform your cat into a work of art and show off your feline friend to the world. Turn your cat into a work of art with a stunning cat portrait. Cat portraits are a great way to immortalize your furry friend and capture their unique personality and quirks.

In this blog post, we'll provide tips on getting a stunning cat portrait that you'll be proud to display in your home or share with your friends and family.

Choose the Right Photographer

The first step in getting a stunning cat portrait is to choose the right photographer. Look for a photographer specializing in pet photography who has experience working with cats. A good pet photographer will be able to capture your cat's personality and unique traits in a way that showcases its individuality.

When researching potential photographers, be sure to look at their portfolios and customer reviews to get an idea of the quality of their work. You can also ask for recommendations from other pet owners, your veterinarian, or local pet supply stores.

Plan the Shoot

Once you've chosen a photographer, it's time to plan the shoot. A good photographer will work with you to create a comfortable and stress-free environment for your cat. They'll also help you choose the best location and time of day for the shoot.

When planning the shoot, think about your cat's personality and preferences. A quiet and familiar environment might be best if your cat is shy or easily stressed. A more active and engaging environment might be more suitable if your cat loves to play.

Prepare Your Cat

Before the shoot, it's essential to prepare your cat. Please ensure they're well-groomed and clean, with trimmed nails and brushed fur. You might also want to bring their favorite toy or treat to help keep them comfortable and engaged during the shoot.

It's also a good idea to bring a few different outfits or accessories for your cat to wear during the shoot. This can add variety to the photos and highlight your cat's unique personality.

Be Patient

When it comes to pet photography, patience is critical. Cats can be notoriously stubborn and uncooperative, so it's essential to be patient and let the photographer work their magic. Don't be discouraged if your cat doesn't immediately cooperate or it takes a little while to get the perfect shot.

Consider the Final Product

When choosing the final product for your cat portrait, think about where you'll display it and what size you want it to be. A larger canvas or print might be more suitable for a living room or ample space, while a smaller footprint might be better for a bedroom or office.

Consider adding special touches to the portrait, such as a custom frame or matting. This can help elevate the picture and make it truly unique.

In conclusion, a stunning cat portrait is a great way to showcase your feline friend's unique personality and add a touch of art to your home. By choosing the right photographer, planning the shoot, preparing your cat, being patient, and considering the final product, you can get a cat portrait that you'll cherish for years.

Remember, commissioning a custom cat portrait with Art Your Cat is a unique and personal experience. We take the time to bring your vision to life, and you'll have a beautiful and meaningful tribute to your feline friend.

Tags: Cat Portrait
Cat with mouse in its mouth.

Why Do Cats Bring You Gifts (Like Dead Mice) and What It Means

Why Do Cats Bring You Gifts?

Cats bring gifts to you to show affection and build a bond with their owner. As a cat owner, you may have experienced the surprise of your furry friend bringing you a "gift" in the form of a dead mouse or bird. While this behavior may seem strange or unsettling to some, it's a natural instinct for cats. This article will explore why cats bring gifts, what it means, and how you should react to this behavior.

Firstly, it's essential to understand that cats are natural hunters. They have evolved over thousands of years to be skilled hunters and are born with an innate desire to hunt and capture prey. When a cat brings you a gift, it displays an instinctual behavior that would occur in the wild. In the wild, a mother cat would get prey back to her young to teach them how to hunt and kill. Similarly, when a cat brings a gift to its owner, it shows that it sees its owner as a part of its "family" and is attempting to provide for them.

Another reason cats bring gifts is that they may see their owner as an inferior hunter who needs assistance. Cats have a strong sense of hierarchy and may view their owner as a subordinate who needs help catching prey. By bringing a gift, the cat is trying to help its owner by providing them with food.

What Does It Mean When Your Cat Brings You a Gift?

When your cat brings you a gift, it signifies affection and trust. Cats are social animals and form strong bonds with their owners. Your cat shows that it loves and trusts you by bringing you a gift. It's also a sign that your cat sees you as part of its family and wants to provide for you, just as it would for its young in the wild.

It's important to note that bringing a gift is not a behavior all cats display. Some cats may not be as inclined to hunt or may not feel the need to carry their prey to their owner. Additionally, some cats may bring gifts more frequently than others, while others only do it occasionally.

How Should You React to Your Cat's Gift?

While the sight of a dead mouse or bird may be unsettling to some, it's important to remember that your cat is showing affection and trust by bringing you a gift. You should never punish your cat for this behavior, as it's a natural instinct and a sign of love. Instead, you should thank your cat and praise them for its gift. This will reinforce the bond between you and your cat and show them that you appreciate their efforts.

If you don't want your cat to bring you gifts, you can try to discourage this behavior by providing them with plenty of toys and activities to keep them mentally stimulated and engaged. You can also keep your cat indoors, as outdoor cats are more likely to engage in hunting behavior.


While it may be unsettling to receive a gift of a dead mouse from your cat, it is crucial to understand that this behavior is rooted in their natural instincts and desire to provide for their owners. By bringing gifts to their owners, cats are exhibiting their affection and showing their appreciation for the care that they receive. As cat owners, it is essential to acknowledge this behavior and accept these gifts with gratitude, even if they are not necessarily what we consider traditional gifts.

Tags: Cat Life
Young cats playing on a tile floor.

How to Keep Your Cat Mentally Stimulated and Engaged

Why is Mental Stimulation Important for Cats?

Mental stimulation is important for cats to stay healthy and happy. While cats may seem like independent creatures who don't need much attention, their complete care requires a lot of mental stimulation to remain engaged and entertained. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to keep your cat mentally stimulated and active and explore some easy ways to enrich your cat's environment.

Mental stimulation is vital for cats because it keeps them physically and mentally healthy. Cats are natural hunters and need to use their hunting instincts to stay engaged and stimulated. Without proper mental stimulation, cats can become bored, lazy, and even depressed. Mental stimulation can also help to prevent behavior problems such as scratching and aggression.

Ways to Keep Your Cat Mentally Stimulated and Engaged

So, how can you keep your cat mentally stimulated and engaged? Here are some tips:

Provide Plenty of Toys

Toys are a great way to keep your cat mentally stimulated. Many different types of toys are available, from balls and mice to puzzle toys and laser pointers. When choosing toys for your cat, ensure they are safe and appropriate for your cat's age and activity level. Rotate your cat's toys regularly to keep them from getting bored.

Give Your Cat a View

Cats love to watch birds and other animals, so giving your cat a view can be a great way to keep them mentally stimulated. Place a bird feeder outside a window, or provide a cat tree or perch with an idea. Your cat will love watching the activity outside and will stay mentally engaged.

Provide Scratching Posts and Climbing Structures

Cats love to climb and scratch, so providing scratching posts and climbing structures can help to keep them mentally stimulated. Many types of scratching posts and climbing structures are available, from simple cardboard scratchers to elaborate cat trees. Make sure you choose a scratching post or climbing structure appropriate for your cat's size and activity level.

Play with Your Cat

Playing with your cat is a great way to keep them mentally stimulated and engaged. Use interactive toys such as feathers, balls, and laser pointers to keep your cat entertained and stimulated. Playing with your cat daily, even for just a few minutes, can help keep them mentally and physically healthy.

Provide Hiding Places

Cats love to hide and feel secure, so providing hiding places can help to keep them mentally stimulated. You can give a simple cardboard box, an elaborate cat condo, or an igloo. Make sure the hiding place is big enough for your cat to comfortably move around.

Rotate Your Cat's Environment

Cats can get bored with their environment, so they must rotate it regularly. Move furniture around, provide new toys, and create new hiding places to keep your cat engaged and stimulated.

Final Thoughts

Keeping your cat stimulated and engaged is essential for their health and well-being. By providing plenty of opportunities for play, exercise, and mental stimulation, you can help keep your feline friend happy and healthy.

Remember, every cat is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Try different toys, games, and activities to find what your cat enjoys the most. You can help your cat lead a fulfilling and engaging life with a little effort and creativity.

Tags: Cat Life
Cat laying in homemade and store bought toys.

10 DIY Cat Toys to Make at Home

What are 10 Fun and Easy DIY Cat Toys to Make at Home?

From simple cardboard creations to interactive puzzles, here are 10 fun and easy DIY cat toys you can make right at home! These ideas will surely keep your furry friend entertained without breaking the bank. Get ready to unleash your creativity and watch your cat purr with delight!

The Benefits of Playing with Your Cat: How Often and How Long Should You Use DIY Cat Toys?

Playing with your cat is not only fun for both of you but also has numerous benefits for your cat's physical and mental health. Regular play can help keep your cat physically active, essential for maintaining a healthy weight and preventing obesity-related health issues. It can also help prevent boredom and reduce stress and anxiety in your cat, leading to a happier and more contented feline companion.

But how often should you play with your cat, and for how long? The answer to this question depends on your cat's age, health, and preferences. Playing with your cat for 10-15 minutes a few times daily is a good idea. Younger cats and more active breeds may require more playtime, while older or less active cats may be content with shorter play sessions.

When playing with your cat, it's important to use DIY cat toys that are safe and appropriate for your cat's age and size. Avoid using toys with small parts that could be swallowed, and always supervise your cat during playtime to prevent accidents.

In addition to physical benefits, playing with your cat can strengthen your bond with your furry friend. So, set aside some time each day to play with your cat and enjoy the many benefits that come with it.

What Types of Toys Do Cats Like? How to Choose the Best DIY Cat Toys for Your Furry Friend

Cats are known for their playful nature, but not all toys are created equal when it comes to keeping them entertained. So, what types of toys do cats like, and how can you choose the best DIY cat toys for your furry friend? Here are a few tips to help you out:

  • Interactive Toys: Cats love toys they can chase, pounce on, and bat around. Toys like feather wands, laser pointers, and ribbon wands stimulate your cat's natural hunting instincts.
  • Catnip Toys: Many cats are attracted to catnip, which can provide them with a fun and stimulating experience. Consider making catnip toys using old socks or fabric scraps filled with catnip.
  • Scratching Posts: Scratching is a natural behavior for cats, so providing them with a scratching post or DIY scratching toy can help satisfy this instinct and prevent them from scratching furniture.
  • Noise-Making Toys: Some cats enjoy noise-related toys, such as crinkle balls or toys with bells inside. These toys can be wildly entertaining for cats who enjoy playing with their prey.

When choosing DIY cat toys for your furry friend, it's essential to consider their individual preferences and personality. Some cats may prefer toys they can play with independently, while others may enjoy interactive play with their human companions. Experiment with different toys to see what your cat likes best, and be bold and creative!

How to Use Sound to Enhance Your DIY Cat Toys: What Noise Calms Cats?

Sound can significantly affect your cat's enjoyment of their toys. Some cats are calmed by certain noises, while others may be frightened or stressed by loud or sudden sounds. Here are a few tips for using sound to enhance your DIY cat toys:

  • Gentle Sounds: Cats are often soothed by gentle, rhythmic sounds, such as the rustling of leaves or the gentle chirping of birds. Incorporating these sounds into your DIY cat toys can help create a calming and enjoyable experience for your cat.
  • Avoid Loud or Sudden Sounds: Cats are sensitive to loud or sudden noises, so avoid incorporating these sounds into your DIY cat toys. Instead, opt for softer, soothing sounds less likely to startle or stress your cat.
  • Experiment with Different Sounds: Every cat is unique, so it may take some experimentation to find the sounds that your cat enjoys. Try incorporating different sounds into your DIY cat toys to see what your cat responds best.

By paying attention to your cat's reactions and preferences, you can use sound to enhance their playtime and create a more enjoyable experience.

What Toys Do Shy Cats Like?

Shy cats may be more cautious when playing with toys, but that doesn't mean they can't enjoy some fun and stimulation. When choosing toys for shy cats, it's essential to consider their personality and preferences. Here are a few types of toys that shy cats may enjoy:

  • Quiet Toys: Shy cats may be startled by loud or noisy toys, so opt for toys that make minimal noise, such as soft balls or fabric toys.
  • Hideaway Toys: Some shy cats may prefer toys they can play with in private, such as a paper bag or cardboard box they can hide in.
  • Gentle Interactive Toys: Shy cats may be more comfortable with gentle interactive toys, such as a feather wand or ribbon wand, that they can play with at their own pace.

Being patient and understanding is essential when introducing toys to shy cats. Give them time to adjust to the toy and observe their behavior to see if they enjoy it. If your cat seems anxious or scared, removing the toy and trying something else is best.

What Types of Toys Do Cats Dislike? How to Avoid Unsafe or Boring Cat Toys

While cats can be picky about their toys, most cats tend to dislike certain types of toys. Avoiding these toys can help ensure your cat stays entertained and engaged. Here are a few types of toys that cats may dislike:

  • Toys with Strong Scents: Cats have a sensitive sense of smell, so toys with strong scents may be off-putting. Avoid toys with strong-smelling materials or chemicals.
  • Overly Complex Toys: Cats prefer toys that are simple and easy to understand. Avoid toys that are excessively complex or difficult for your cat to figure out.
  • Unsafe Toys: Some toys can be unsafe for cats, such as toys with small parts that could be swallowed or with sharp edges. Always choose safe and appropriate toys for your cat's size and age.

To avoid boring your cat with the same toys, try rotating their toys regularly to keep things interesting. Introducing new toys or changing how you play with existing toys can also help keep your cat engaged and entertained.

How to Play With a Picky Cat?

If your cat is picky about their toys, don't worry – there are still plenty of ways to engage and play with them. Here are a few tips for playing with a picky cat:

  • Experiment with Different Toys: Try different toys to see what your cat likes best. Some cats may prefer toys that move quickly, while others may prefer toys that can bat around independently.
  • Use Treats as Rewards: Use treats to reward your cat for playing with their toys. This can create a positive association with playtime and encourage them to try new toys.
  • Keep Play Sessions Short and Sweet: Cats have short attention spans, so keep play sessions brief and engaging. This will help prevent your cat from getting bored and losing interest in playtime.
  • Be Patient: Cats can be slow to warm up to new toys, so be patient and give them time to adjust. Encourage them to play with gentle movements and positive reinforcement.

You can find ways to engage and play with even the pickiest of felines by being patient and understanding your cat's preferences.

What Toys Are Safe For Cats? How to Make Sure Your DIY Cat Toys Are Not Harmful

Safety should always be a top priority when choosing toys for your cat. Here are a few tips to help you ensure that your DIY cat toys are safe for your furry friend:

  • Avoid Small Parts: Avoid using toys with small parts that could be swallowed or pose a choking hazard. Make sure all components of the toy are securely attached.
  • Choose Non-Toxic Materials: Use non-toxic materials when making DIY cat toys to ensure they are safe for your cat to play with.
  • Avoid Sharp Edges: Make sure that any edges or corners on the toy are smooth and rounded to prevent injury.
  • Supervise Playtime: Always supervise your cat during playtime to prevent accidents and ensure they play safely.
  • Check for Wear and Tear: Regularly inspect your cat's toys for signs of wear and tear, and replace them if they are damaged or broken.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your DIY cat toys are safe for your furry friend to enjoy.

What Toys Are Unsafe For Cats? How to Spot and Avoid Dangerous Cat Toys

While there are many safe and enjoyable toys for cats, there are also some toys that can be dangerous or harmful. Here are a few types of toys to avoid:

  • Toys with Small Parts: Toys with small parts that could be swallowed pose a choking hazard for cats. Avoid toys with small, detachable parts.
  • Toys with Sharp Edges: Toys with sharp edges or points can pose a risk of injury to your cat. Make sure that all edges are smooth and rounded.

What Are Fun and Easy DIY Cat Toys to Make at Home?

Now that you know the basics, let's dive into some specific DIY cat toys that delight your furry friend. From homemade puzzle feeders to interactive wand toys, these projects are fun, easy, and budget-friendly. Get ready to unleash your inner craftiness and make some toys that your cat will love!

From cardboard to catnip, we'll explore a variety of fun and easy DIY cat toy ideas that you can craft at home using everyday household items. These budget-friendly options are great for your cat's enjoyment and a simple way to care for your cat. Not only will your cat love the toys, but you'll also have fun making them.

Cardboard Tube Puzzle Toy

One of the most straightforward DIY cat toys is a cardboard tube puzzle toy. Simply cut the tube into small rings and glue them back together randomly. Fill the tube with treats and watch as your cat tries to figure out how to get to them.

Felt Mice

Felt mice are classic cat toys that are easy to make. Cut a mouse shape from felt, stuff it with catnip, and sew it up. Your cat will love batting it around and pouncing on it.

Feather Wand Toy

Feather wands are a great way to get your cat moving and jumping. Simply tie a feather to a string and attach it to a stick. You can add bells or other noise makers to make it more fun.

T-Shirt Cat Tent

If you have an old T-shirt, you can turn it into a cozy cat tent. Cut off the sleeves and use them to tie the shirt to a table or chair. Your cat will love curling up inside and taking a nap.

Catnip Sock Toy

Fill a sock with catnip and tie it off to create a fun and easy catnip toy. You can even add some bells or crinkle material to make it more interesting.

Ping Pong Ball Tower

Stack a few cardboard boxes together and cut holes in the sides. Drop a ping pong ball inside and watch as your cat tries to bat it around and get it out of the holes.

Yarn Ball Puzzle Toy

Wrap a ball of yarn around a small cardboard box and tuck the end of the thread inside. Your cat will have fun unraveling the ball to get the prize inside.

Cat Treat Dispenser

Take an old plastic bottle and cut a small hole in the side. Fill the bottle with treats and watch as your cat figures out how to get them out.

Toilet Paper Roll Toy

A simple toilet paper roll is one of the most straightforward DIY cat toys. Simply crumple it up and watch as your cat has a blast batting it around the room.

Sisal Rope Scratching Post

If your cat loves to scratch, you can make them a scratching post using sisal rope. Simply wrap the cord around a base or board and secure it. Your cat will love having their own place to scratch.
These are just a few ideas for fun and easy DIY cat toys. Not only are they affordable and accessible, but they'll also provide the toy, leaving a small section of the tail still sticking out. This will create a fun and interactive toy your cat will love to chase and pounce on.


There's no need to spend much on expensive cat toys when you can easily make your own at home. You can create toys that will keep your cat entertained and happy with just a few simple materials. Not only can you make DIY cat toys, but you can also satisfy them with fun and interactive games.

Always supervise your cat while they play with toys, and never leave them unattended. It's crucial to ensure that your DIY toys are safe and sturdy and that your cat can't accidentally ingest any small parts or materials.

So try making some of these fun and easy DIY cat toys today. Your cat will thank you! Order a portrait, a piece of decor, some apparel, or accessories from Art Your Cat while you play!

Tags: Cat Life
Portrait of a cat in a princess ensemble.

Choosing the Perfect Artist for Your Custom Cat Portrait

How to Get Artist for Pet Portrait?

Are you wondering how to get an artist for a stunning cat portrait? As a cat lover, you know your feline friend is one of a kind. So when you commission a custom cat portrait, you want an artist who will capture your cat's unique personality and charm. But how do you choose the right artist for the job? Here are some factors to consider.


Different artists have different styles, so finding one whose style resonates with you is crucial. Look at the artist's portfolio to see if their previous work aligns with what you have in mind. Do you prefer realistic or more stylized portraits? Colorful or black and white? Consider the style that best represents your cat's personality and traits.


Artists work in different mediums, such as oil, watercolor, acrylic, or digital. Some artists specialize in one particular medium, while others work with several. The medium can affect the portrait's texture, color, and overall feel. Consider the type of medium that best suits the personality of your cat.


Commissioning a custom cat portrait can range in price, so it's essential to set a budget before starting your search. Remember that a higher price does not necessarily equate to higher quality. Look for an artist whose prices are reasonable for their level of expertise and experience. Also, factor in any additional costs, such as framing or shipping.


An artist's experience can affect the quality of their work. Consider how long they have been painting or drawing and if they have any experience with pet portraiture. Look for reviews or testimonials from previous clients to gauge their satisfaction with the artist's work.


Clear communication between you and the artist is crucial when commissioning a custom cat portrait. Look for an artist who is easy to work with and responds promptly to emails or messages. You want an artist who will listen to your ideas and work with you to create the perfect portrait.


Commissioning a custom cat portrait can take time, so consider your timeline when choosing an artist. Look for an artist with a reasonable turnaround time who can accommodate your schedule. Remember that rushing an artist may compromise the quality of their work.


While finding an artist in your immediate area is only sometimes necessary, it can be helpful to work with someone local. This can allow in-person consultations, the ability to see the artwork in progress, and more accessible communication.


When you find an artist that meets your criteria, you must clearly communicate your expectations. Provide clear instructions and reference photos, and be open to feedback and suggestions from the artist. With the right artist, you can have a custom cat portrait that will capture the unique personality of your furry friend and be a cherished keepsake for years to come. So, why not commission one with Art Your Cat today and create a lasting memory of your beloved cat?

Tags: Cat Portrait
Kitten laying on piano keys

The Impact of Music on Your Cat's Mood and Behavior

Why Does Music Affect Cats?

Studies have shown that music can have a positive impact on cats and can help to improve their mood and behavior. As a cat owner, you want to ensure your furry friend is as happy and healthy as possible. While you may not have considered it before, music is one way to achieve this. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the effects of music on your cat's life and explore how you can use music to keep your cat happy and healthy.

Understanding why music can impact your cat is essential before we dive into the specifics. According to experts, cats can respond to music because they have a similar auditory system to humans. Cats can hear higher frequencies than humans, meaning they can pick up on sounds that we may not even be aware of.

Furthermore, cats are known to be highly sensitive to their environment. They can pick up on subtle changes in their surroundings and can be affected by temperature, smells, and sounds. This is why music can significantly impact their mood and behavior.

The Benefits of Music for Cats

So, what are the specific benefits of music for cats? Let's take a closer look.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Just like humans, cats can experience stress and anxiety. This can be caused by various factors, such as environmental changes, illness, or separation anxiety. Music is an effective tool for reducing stress and anxiety in cats. Studies have found that cats who listen to music are more relaxed and show fewer signs of stress and anxiety than cats who don't listen to music.

Improves Sleep Quality

Cats are known for being excellent sleepers, but they can still benefit from some help getting a good night's sleep. Calming music can help improve your cat's sleep quality by reducing their stress levels and creating a more relaxing environment.

Stimulates Brain Activity

Music has also been shown to stimulate brain activity in cats. This can be particularly beneficial for older cats experiencing cognitive decline. Playing music can help keep their brains active and engaged, improving their overall mental health and well-being.

Reduces Destructive Behavior

Cats can sometimes engage in destructive behavior, such as scratching furniture or curtains. This can be frustrating for cat owners, but music can help reduce this behavior. Music can help distract cats from destructive behavior and encourage them to engage in more positive activities by providing a calming and stimulating environment.

Choosing the Right Music for Your Cat

Now that you know the benefits of music for cats, you may be wondering how to choose the right music for your furry friend. Here are some tips:

Stick to Calming Music

When choosing music for your cat, it's essential to stick to calming and relaxing music. Loud or fast-paced music can have the opposite effect and cause your cat to feel more stressed or anxious. Look for music with a slow and steady beat, and avoid music with sudden changes in tempo or volume.

Choose Music Specifically Designed for Cats

There are many music options available that are specifically designed for cats. These types of music often incorporate sounds and frequencies soothing to cats, such as purring or bird songs. Some of these options even come with visual elements, such as videos of birds or fish, which can provide additional stimulation for your cat.

Consider Your Cat's Personality

Just like humans, every cat is unique and may have different preferences when it comes to music. Some cats may prefer classical music, while others may respond better to nature sounds or even heavy metal. Pay attention to your cat's reactions when you play music for them, and adjust your choices accordingly.


Music can significantly impact your cat's mood and behavior and can be a valuable tool in keeping them happy and healthy. By choosing the right music and paying attention to your cat's reactions, you can create a relaxing and stimulating environment that will benefit you and your furry friend.

Order a portrait, a piece of decor, some apparel, or accessories from Art Your Cat and give the packing to your cat!

Tags: Cat Life
A cat in a half open cardboard box staring straight back at the camera.

Why Do Cats Love Boxes and Small Spaces?

The instinct to seek out small, enclosed spaces

Have you ever bought an expensive cat bed or scratching post for your feline friend, only to find them napping in a cardboard box or wedged in a tiny space? If so, you're not alone. Cats have a natural affinity for small spaces, but why is that?

Cats have a long history of living in the wild, seeking out small, enclosed spaces for shelter and protection from predators. Small spaces give cats a sense of security and help them feel safe and hidden from the world. This instinct to seek out small spaces is deeply ingrained in cats and remains even in domesticated cats.

Boxes and other small spaces also allow cats to observe the world around them without being seen. This would have been important in the wild for avoiding predators and sneaking up on prey. In the home, cats can keep an eye on their environment and feel more in control.

The comfort of warmth and coziness

Another reason why cats love small spaces is the comfort they provide. Boxes, bags, and other small areas are often warm, soft, and cozy, which makes them perfect for napping. Cats are creatures of comfort, and they love nothing more than curling up in a warm, snug spot for a nap.

The small space also provides a sense of security, as mentioned earlier. The closeness of the walls helps to contain the cat's own body heat, which keeps them warm and relaxed. This is why cats often snuggle up in small spaces, even on warm days.

The appeal of new and exciting spaces

Cats are naturally curious animals, and they love to explore their environment. Small spaces like boxes allow cats to explore and discover new places. A package may be a new addition to the home, and the cat may be curious about it. Alternatively, the box may have a unique smell or texture, which the cat wants to investigate.

The appeal of new and exciting spaces is also why cats are often drawn to small areas that are not meant for them. A laundry basket, for example, may be an attractive new space for a cat to explore, even though it was not intended for that purpose.


Cats love boxes and small spaces for various reasons, but the most important thing to remember is that its natural behavior for them. By providing your cat with boxes and other small spaces to explore and snuggle up in, you're helping to meet their instinctual needs and providing them with a sense of comfort and security.

Small spaces offer a world of possibilities for your feline friend, whether it's a cardboard box, a laundry basket, or a cozy nook. So the next time you see your cat squeezed into a tight space, remember that they're not being weird – they're just being a cat.

Order a portrait, a piece of decor, some apparel, or accessories from Art Your Cat and give the packing to your cat!

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Tags: Cat Life
Portrait of a cat in an colonel uniform.

Preserving Your Feline Friend's Legacy

A Guide to Custom Cat Portrait Paintings

As a cat lover, you know how much joy your feline friend can bring your life. Cats have a unique way of making their way into our hearts and becoming a part of our families. They are loyal, affectionate, and always there when we need them.

As much as we love our furry friends, we know their time with us is limited. When they pass away, it can be devastating. That's why many cat owners choose to honor their pets by commissioning custom cat portrait paintings.

The Value of a Custom Cat Portrait

A custom cat portrait is a way to celebrate your cat's life and honor its memory. It's a timeless piece of art that will remind you of your beloved feline friend for years to come. A good artist can capture the essence of your cat's personality in a way that a photograph cannot.

There are many different styles of custom cat portraits, including realistic, abstract, and caricature. You can choose the style that best reflects your cat's personality and taste.

Commissioning a custom cat portrait is also a way to support local artists. Hiring an artist to create a picture of your cat supports their passion and livelihood. You're also ensuring that your cat's memory will be preserved uniquely and memorably.

Choosing the Right Artist

Choosing the right artist to create your custom cat portrait is essential. You want to ensure that the selected artist has the skills and experience to create a portrait that truly captures your cat's essence.

When looking for an artist, start by doing some research. Look online for artists specializing in pet portraits, and read reviews from their past clients. You can also ask for recommendations from friends and family who have commissioned custom pet portraits.

Once you've narrowed your list of potential artists, reach out to them and ask for examples of their work. You'll want to look for an artist whose style and technique you admire.

Establishing a good working relationship with your chosen artist is also essential. You'll want to ensure that they understand your vision for the portrait and are willing to work with you to bring that vision to life.

Preserving Your Cat's Legacy

Commissioning a custom cat portrait is a beautiful way to preserve your cat's legacy. It's a way to honor their memory and celebrate the love that you shared. It's also a way to support local artists and contribute to the art community.

When you commission a custom cat portrait, you're not just creating a beautiful piece of art. You're also creating a lasting memory that you and your family can cherish for years.

A custom cat portrait is a beautiful way to preserve your feline friend's legacy and honor their memory. It's a special and unique way to celebrate the life of your beloved pet and keep their memory alive.

Another important consideration is the materials used to create the portrait. Some artists work with oil paints, while others use watercolors or acrylics. Each medium has unique qualities and can produce a different look and feel.

The Process of Creating Your Portrait

Once you've chosen an artist and discussed your vision for the portrait, it's time to provide them with reference materials. This might include photographs of your cat and any special requests you have for the portrait. Be sure to discuss the timeline for completion and any other logistics, such as shipping and handling.

Overall, a custom cat portrait is a striking way to commemorate the life of your feline friend. It's a lasting tribute you can display in your home and cherish for years. By finding the right artist and communicating your vision, you can ensure that your portrait is a beautiful and accurate representation of your beloved pet.

Remember, commissioning a custom cat portrait with Art Your Cat is a unique and personal experience. We take the time to bring your vision to life, and you'll have a beautiful and meaningful tribute to your feline friend.

Listen to the the audio cast on Anchor or Spotify.

Tags: Cat Portrait
A can from the view of inside a play tunnel while playing with a toy.

How to Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy and Healthy

The Importance of Exercise

We want to give the best cat care to our furry friends so they can live long, happy, and healthy lives. One of the best ways to ensure your cat stays healthy is by keeping them active and engaged, mainly if they spend most of their time indoors. Indoor cats may not have the same opportunities for exercise and mental stimulation as outdoor cats, but with a little effort and creativity, you can help your cat thrive.

Just like humans, cats need regular exercise to maintain their physical and mental health. In the wild, cats spend much of their time hunting and stalking prey, providing them plenty of physical activity. Indoor cats, however, may not have the same opportunities for exercise, which can lead to weight gain, lethargy, and a host of other health problems. It's essential to find ways to keep your cat active, even if they're inside most of the time.

One of the easiest ways to help your cat get more exercise is by playing with them regularly. Interactive playtime can be a great way to get your cat moving, whether it's with a laser pointer, a toy mouse, or a feather wand. Try to set aside time to play with your cat each day, even if it's just for a few minutes. This can help keep them physically and mentally stimulated and strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend.

Cat-Friendly Environments

In addition to playtime, creating a cat-friendly environment in your home is crucial. This can include cat trees, scratching posts, and other toys and accessories that encourage your cat to climb, jump, and play. Providing plenty of hiding spots and cozy beds can help your cat feel safe and secure, reducing stress and anxiety.

You can also create a cat-friendly outdoor space, even if you don't have a yard. Consider setting up a catio or enclosed balcony where your cat can safely enjoy fresh air and sunshine. Just be sure to take safety precautions, such as ensuring that the space is secure and that your cat has access to shade and water.

Nutrition and Health

Of course, exercise and a cat-friendly environment are just part of the equation. Nutrition is also vital in keeping your cat healthy and happy. Ensure your cat's diet is high-quality and well-balanced, with plenty of protein, healthy fats, and other essential nutrients. Avoid overfeeding your cat, as obesity can lead to various health problems, including diabetes, joint pain, and heart disease.

In addition to a healthy diet, regular check-ups with a veterinarian are essential to your cat's overall health. Cats are masters at hiding illness and pain, so it's important to schedule regular check-ups to catch any health problems early. Your vet can also recommend preventative measures, such as vaccinations and flea and tick prevention, to keep your cat healthy.

The Benefits of Keeping Your Indoor Cat Happy and Healthy

By keeping your indoor cat happy and healthy, you're improving their quality of life and your own. A healthy cat is a happy cat, and a happy cat is a joy to be around. They're more affectionate, playful, and energetic, which can make your life as a cat owner even more rewarding.

Not only that, but by keeping your cat healthy, you're also reducing the likelihood of expensive veterinary bills down the line. Preventative care and a healthy lifestyle can help prolong the life of your feline friend.


While keeping an indoor cat healthy and happy may seem daunting, it's well worth the effort to provide them with the best possible life. You can ensure that your indoor cat is living their best life by providing them with plenty of stimulation, a healthy diet, and regular check-ups. And remember to shower them with love and affection and to show them off with portraits, decor, apparel, or accessories from Art Your Cat.

Tags: Cat Life
Closeup view showing half the face of both a person and a cat.

Understanding Your Cat's Meows

The Science of Cat Vocalizations

As cat owners, we often try to decipher the meaning behind our feline friend's meows. Whether it's a soft purr, a loud meow, or a constant chatter, cats communicate with us through their vocalizations. But what do they really mean? In this blog post, we will explore the world of cat vocalizations and help you better understand what your cat is trying to tell you.

First, let's look at the science behind cat vocalizations. Cats use a variety of sounds to communicate, including meows, purrs, hisses, growls, and chattering. Each sound has a unique meaning and is used to convey a specific message.

According to research, cats primarily meow to communicate with humans, rather than with other cats. In fact, cats typically only meow to humans, not to each other. This is thought to be a learned behavior that has evolved over time to help cats communicate their needs to their human companions.

What Your Cat's Meow Could Mean

So, what could your cat's meow be trying to tell you? Here are some common meanings behind different types of meows:

Short Meows

Short meows are often used as a greeting or a way to get your attention. If your cat is standing at the door, for example, a short meow might mean "let me in." If your cat is hungry and you're in the kitchen, a short meow might mean "feed me."

Long Meows

Long, drawn-out meows are often used to express frustration or dissatisfaction. If your cat is meowing for an extended period of time, it might mean that they are bored, lonely, or in need of attention.

Chirping or Chattering

Chirping or chattering sounds are often heard when a cat is watching birds or other prey. It's thought that this behavior is a way for cats to express their excitement or anticipation.


Purring is one of the most common cat vocalizations and is usually associated with contentment and relaxation. However, cats also purr when they are in pain or feeling anxious, so it's important to pay attention to your cat's body language to determine the reason for their purring.

Hissing or Growling

Hissing and growling are warning sounds that cats use to communicate that they are feeling threatened or scared. If your cat is hissing or growling, it's best to give them some space and try to identify the source of their fear.


In conclusion, understanding your cat's meows is an important part of being a responsible cat owner. By paying attention to your cat's vocalizations and body language, you can better understand their needs and provide them with the care and attention they deserve. The next time your cat meows, take a moment and you'll hear them say how much they love custom cat offerings from Art Your Cat.

Listen to the the audio cast on Anchor or Spotify.

Tags: Cat Life