Cat laying in homemade and store bought toys.

10 DIY Cat Toys to Make at Home

What are 10 Fun and Easy DIY Cat Toys to Make at Home?

From simple cardboard creations to interactive puzzles, here are 10 fun and easy DIY cat toys you can make right at home! These ideas will surely keep your furry friend entertained without breaking the bank. Get ready to unleash your creativity and watch your cat purr with delight!

The Benefits of Playing with Your Cat: How Often and How Long Should You Use DIY Cat Toys?

Playing with your cat is not only fun for both of you but also has numerous benefits for your cat's physical and mental health. Regular play can help keep your cat physically active, essential for maintaining a healthy weight and preventing obesity-related health issues. It can also help prevent boredom and reduce stress and anxiety in your cat, leading to a happier and more contented feline companion.

But how often should you play with your cat, and for how long? The answer to this question depends on your cat's age, health, and preferences. Playing with your cat for 10-15 minutes a few times daily is a good idea. Younger cats and more active breeds may require more playtime, while older or less active cats may be content with shorter play sessions.

When playing with your cat, it's important to use DIY cat toys that are safe and appropriate for your cat's age and size. Avoid using toys with small parts that could be swallowed, and always supervise your cat during playtime to prevent accidents.

In addition to physical benefits, playing with your cat can strengthen your bond with your furry friend. So, set aside some time each day to play with your cat and enjoy the many benefits that come with it.

What Types of Toys Do Cats Like? How to Choose the Best DIY Cat Toys for Your Furry Friend

Cats are known for their playful nature, but not all toys are created equal when it comes to keeping them entertained. So, what types of toys do cats like, and how can you choose the best DIY cat toys for your furry friend? Here are a few tips to help you out:

  • Interactive Toys: Cats love toys they can chase, pounce on, and bat around. Toys like feather wands, laser pointers, and ribbon wands stimulate your cat's natural hunting instincts.
  • Catnip Toys: Many cats are attracted to catnip, which can provide them with a fun and stimulating experience. Consider making catnip toys using old socks or fabric scraps filled with catnip.
  • Scratching Posts: Scratching is a natural behavior for cats, so providing them with a scratching post or DIY scratching toy can help satisfy this instinct and prevent them from scratching furniture.
  • Noise-Making Toys: Some cats enjoy noise-related toys, such as crinkle balls or toys with bells inside. These toys can be wildly entertaining for cats who enjoy playing with their prey.

When choosing DIY cat toys for your furry friend, it's essential to consider their individual preferences and personality. Some cats may prefer toys they can play with independently, while others may enjoy interactive play with their human companions. Experiment with different toys to see what your cat likes best, and be bold and creative!

How to Use Sound to Enhance Your DIY Cat Toys: What Noise Calms Cats?

Sound can significantly affect your cat's enjoyment of their toys. Some cats are calmed by certain noises, while others may be frightened or stressed by loud or sudden sounds. Here are a few tips for using sound to enhance your DIY cat toys:

  • Gentle Sounds: Cats are often soothed by gentle, rhythmic sounds, such as the rustling of leaves or the gentle chirping of birds. Incorporating these sounds into your DIY cat toys can help create a calming and enjoyable experience for your cat.
  • Avoid Loud or Sudden Sounds: Cats are sensitive to loud or sudden noises, so avoid incorporating these sounds into your DIY cat toys. Instead, opt for softer, soothing sounds less likely to startle or stress your cat.
  • Experiment with Different Sounds: Every cat is unique, so it may take some experimentation to find the sounds that your cat enjoys. Try incorporating different sounds into your DIY cat toys to see what your cat responds best.

By paying attention to your cat's reactions and preferences, you can use sound to enhance their playtime and create a more enjoyable experience.

What Toys Do Shy Cats Like?

Shy cats may be more cautious when playing with toys, but that doesn't mean they can't enjoy some fun and stimulation. When choosing toys for shy cats, it's essential to consider their personality and preferences. Here are a few types of toys that shy cats may enjoy:

  • Quiet Toys: Shy cats may be startled by loud or noisy toys, so opt for toys that make minimal noise, such as soft balls or fabric toys.
  • Hideaway Toys: Some shy cats may prefer toys they can play with in private, such as a paper bag or cardboard box they can hide in.
  • Gentle Interactive Toys: Shy cats may be more comfortable with gentle interactive toys, such as a feather wand or ribbon wand, that they can play with at their own pace.

Being patient and understanding is essential when introducing toys to shy cats. Give them time to adjust to the toy and observe their behavior to see if they enjoy it. If your cat seems anxious or scared, removing the toy and trying something else is best.

What Types of Toys Do Cats Dislike? How to Avoid Unsafe or Boring Cat Toys

While cats can be picky about their toys, most cats tend to dislike certain types of toys. Avoiding these toys can help ensure your cat stays entertained and engaged. Here are a few types of toys that cats may dislike:

  • Toys with Strong Scents: Cats have a sensitive sense of smell, so toys with strong scents may be off-putting. Avoid toys with strong-smelling materials or chemicals.
  • Overly Complex Toys: Cats prefer toys that are simple and easy to understand. Avoid toys that are excessively complex or difficult for your cat to figure out.
  • Unsafe Toys: Some toys can be unsafe for cats, such as toys with small parts that could be swallowed or with sharp edges. Always choose safe and appropriate toys for your cat's size and age.

To avoid boring your cat with the same toys, try rotating their toys regularly to keep things interesting. Introducing new toys or changing how you play with existing toys can also help keep your cat engaged and entertained.

How to Play With a Picky Cat?

If your cat is picky about their toys, don't worry – there are still plenty of ways to engage and play with them. Here are a few tips for playing with a picky cat:

  • Experiment with Different Toys: Try different toys to see what your cat likes best. Some cats may prefer toys that move quickly, while others may prefer toys that can bat around independently.
  • Use Treats as Rewards: Use treats to reward your cat for playing with their toys. This can create a positive association with playtime and encourage them to try new toys.
  • Keep Play Sessions Short and Sweet: Cats have short attention spans, so keep play sessions brief and engaging. This will help prevent your cat from getting bored and losing interest in playtime.
  • Be Patient: Cats can be slow to warm up to new toys, so be patient and give them time to adjust. Encourage them to play with gentle movements and positive reinforcement.

You can find ways to engage and play with even the pickiest of felines by being patient and understanding your cat's preferences.

What Toys Are Safe For Cats? How to Make Sure Your DIY Cat Toys Are Not Harmful

Safety should always be a top priority when choosing toys for your cat. Here are a few tips to help you ensure that your DIY cat toys are safe for your furry friend:

  • Avoid Small Parts: Avoid using toys with small parts that could be swallowed or pose a choking hazard. Make sure all components of the toy are securely attached.
  • Choose Non-Toxic Materials: Use non-toxic materials when making DIY cat toys to ensure they are safe for your cat to play with.
  • Avoid Sharp Edges: Make sure that any edges or corners on the toy are smooth and rounded to prevent injury.
  • Supervise Playtime: Always supervise your cat during playtime to prevent accidents and ensure they play safely.
  • Check for Wear and Tear: Regularly inspect your cat's toys for signs of wear and tear, and replace them if they are damaged or broken.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your DIY cat toys are safe for your furry friend to enjoy.

What Toys Are Unsafe For Cats? How to Spot and Avoid Dangerous Cat Toys

While there are many safe and enjoyable toys for cats, there are also some toys that can be dangerous or harmful. Here are a few types of toys to avoid:

  • Toys with Small Parts: Toys with small parts that could be swallowed pose a choking hazard for cats. Avoid toys with small, detachable parts.
  • Toys with Sharp Edges: Toys with sharp edges or points can pose a risk of injury to your cat. Make sure that all edges are smooth and rounded.

What Are Fun and Easy DIY Cat Toys to Make at Home?

Now that you know the basics, let's dive into some specific DIY cat toys that delight your furry friend. From homemade puzzle feeders to interactive wand toys, these projects are fun, easy, and budget-friendly. Get ready to unleash your inner craftiness and make some toys that your cat will love!

From cardboard to catnip, we'll explore a variety of fun and easy DIY cat toy ideas that you can craft at home using everyday household items. These budget-friendly options are great for your cat's enjoyment and a simple way to care for your cat. Not only will your cat love the toys, but you'll also have fun making them.

Cardboard Tube Puzzle Toy

One of the most straightforward DIY cat toys is a cardboard tube puzzle toy. Simply cut the tube into small rings and glue them back together randomly. Fill the tube with treats and watch as your cat tries to figure out how to get to them.

Felt Mice

Felt mice are classic cat toys that are easy to make. Cut a mouse shape from felt, stuff it with catnip, and sew it up. Your cat will love batting it around and pouncing on it.

Feather Wand Toy

Feather wands are a great way to get your cat moving and jumping. Simply tie a feather to a string and attach it to a stick. You can add bells or other noise makers to make it more fun.

T-Shirt Cat Tent

If you have an old T-shirt, you can turn it into a cozy cat tent. Cut off the sleeves and use them to tie the shirt to a table or chair. Your cat will love curling up inside and taking a nap.

Catnip Sock Toy

Fill a sock with catnip and tie it off to create a fun and easy catnip toy. You can even add some bells or crinkle material to make it more interesting.

Ping Pong Ball Tower

Stack a few cardboard boxes together and cut holes in the sides. Drop a ping pong ball inside and watch as your cat tries to bat it around and get it out of the holes.

Yarn Ball Puzzle Toy

Wrap a ball of yarn around a small cardboard box and tuck the end of the thread inside. Your cat will have fun unraveling the ball to get the prize inside.

Cat Treat Dispenser

Take an old plastic bottle and cut a small hole in the side. Fill the bottle with treats and watch as your cat figures out how to get them out.

Toilet Paper Roll Toy

A simple toilet paper roll is one of the most straightforward DIY cat toys. Simply crumple it up and watch as your cat has a blast batting it around the room.

Sisal Rope Scratching Post

If your cat loves to scratch, you can make them a scratching post using sisal rope. Simply wrap the cord around a base or board and secure it. Your cat will love having their own place to scratch.
These are just a few ideas for fun and easy DIY cat toys. Not only are they affordable and accessible, but they'll also provide the toy, leaving a small section of the tail still sticking out. This will create a fun and interactive toy your cat will love to chase and pounce on.


There's no need to spend much on expensive cat toys when you can easily make your own at home. You can create toys that will keep your cat entertained and happy with just a few simple materials. Not only can you make DIY cat toys, but you can also satisfy them with fun and interactive games.

Always supervise your cat while they play with toys, and never leave them unattended. It's crucial to ensure that your DIY toys are safe and sturdy and that your cat can't accidentally ingest any small parts or materials.

So try making some of these fun and easy DIY cat toys today. Your cat will thank you! Order a portrait, a piece of decor, some apparel, or accessories from Art Your Cat while you play!

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